Pursuit of Giants II Premiere - Photoshots - the web folio of Tony Stewart.

Pursuit of Giants II Premiere

Next Friday is the Premiere of ‘In Pursuit of Giants II’, from our photographer’s trip to Stewart Island earlier in the year. We’d love for any friends or family to come and join us.
Richard Wood has done an epic job (well we think so – none of us have actually seen the full edit!). There will be many laughs, a lot of hijinks, and some epic scenery!
More serious than that though, we have stumbled upon quite a serious story almost by accident. This will be revealed in greater detail in the second half of the movie (once you have stopped laughing!). It is our hope ‘PoGII’ might actually be a catalyst for some real change. Already we have had quite a bit of discussion how this might manifest itself. We ask for your support, to join us on this journey. All will be revealed!
Feel free to arrive from 8pm on Fri 11th August, for a 8.30pm sharp start to the screening. This is at the CHCH Art Gallery theatrette. The movie is free, thanks to generous sponsorship by Gerard Emery from CRK. But you must RSVP a space please, as seating is limited. There will be some food and drinks available.
Photographer friends going to Iris awards and NZIPP conference – see Gerard Emery or Rachael Smith on their trade stands to grab a remaining ticket. Despite the ‘Giants’ all being heavily embedded with NZIPP, we are mindful not to overshadow the NZIPP programme with our own event. The trade event that night will dovetail nicely however, and we’d love to see you afterwards. The CHCH Art Gallery is a short 15min walk from the Majestic on Durham.